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Here are eight rules that will help you postpone diet and medication to lose fat

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Losing body fat is not really a science. However, there are fewer reports of people appearing on television than on television, as well as articles published in fitness magazines and articles, which have created a great deal of confusion regarding fat loss.

In trying to dispel this confusion, I will share the 8 rules of fat.

Fat Loss Rules

Here are eight rules you need to follow to get maximum lasting satisfaction with high muscle tone and high muscle tone.

Fat Loss Conclusion # 1: Lose five or six more calories a day than your body does.

That's right. Your body should consume about 500 fewer calories (calories) than it burns. If you do not burn calories what you do, you will lose fat!

However, on the weekends you should increase your calories by 500-700 by the amount you need. This is necessary to prevent the metabolic process from slowing down.

Unnecessary waste rule # 2: Look in the mirror and pictures, not your weight scale.

The more you look in the mirror (or pictures) than your body weight on the scale and the more your waistline increases, the less difference there is between this measurement layer and muscle size.

Most of the time, beginner bodybuilders tell me that I need to lose between 20-40 pounds of fat weight.

However, I will look at you in the mirror and look at the size of your wax as much as I care about the weight. The reason for this is that when you start your weight training you start gaining muscle and as a result do not show any weight loss.

So, take care of yourself (pictures are a great way to observe this) and stop making jokes about your weight.

Fat Loss Part 3: Focus on Weight Training Exercises for Weight Gain.

Yes, you heard well. As I continue to say, "I lose fat in the first part of cardio making, and then gain muscle once all the fat is gone." Fat is not the best way to lose fat! The reason for this is by using cardio as the only source in your body. You have the same amount of fat and muscle. The end result is a smaller metabolism ( due to muscle mass) with smaller (but lighter) T.

The secret is to lose fat as your muscle mass becomes thicker. The calories you burn properly on any given day. In addition, getting nutritious muscle is the key to getting a firm-looking body while giving everyone the food they need. Cardio alone will not be provided.

Loss of Mouth Rule 4: If possible, handle on an empty stomach the first morning.

I really like to exercise on an empty stomach almost in the morning. This is because of the rapid depletion of glycogen reserves in your body, which is happening properly. Therefore the body relies on burning fats for fuel. Not only that, but I have plenty of time left to eat, recover and grow.

However, if you prefer a heavy train, in the beginning, try at least 20 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity (this could be a quick station bike ride or a strenuous walk) as well as a 5-10 minute supine exercise.

This gives you an extra 25-30 minutes to start your fat-burning mechanism at the beginning of the day.

Hair loss rule: # is a common food throughout the day.

The first thing most Bombaydel nutritionists do is to start eating only once or twice and then start a breakdown due to cardiovascular activity. Again, this is a surefire way to lose muscle and slow down your metabolism. As we already know, less muscle and less metabolism is not the way to your body's growth goal.

Metabolism is moving at full speed and a small balanced diet per day for 5 to 6 days is the way to control blood sugar to bring the energy level up and eliminate the deficiencies.

If I were to say a balanced diet I would say that each diet should contain all the significant organic matter (carbon, protein, and fat) in a specific ratio.

Metabolism varies, and I have found that 40-45% carbon, 40-35% protein ratio, and about 20% non-fat is usually the best way to take it. This ratio is optimally controlled to control insulin and blood sugar. In addition, this ratio creates a favorable hormonal environment that leads to muscle growth and fat loss.

[ Note: If you are on a diet that provides carbohydrates that provide the protein you need, please refer to the features of the Good Nutrition Program to help them provide and provide protein .]

Fruit Lesho Rule 6: Your main drinking water should be.

Time and time again food eaters make an honest effort to count all the calories in the food they consume. However, most people have forgotten that fruit juices, sodas, and other beverages contain calories. So avoid any calorie beverages and focus on drinking clean drinking water.

Doing this will give you the following benefits:

  • Water will help control your appetite so your appetite will be quenched. Sometimes this sensation, when you are hungry after a good meal, indicates a lack of water. At that time drink water.
  • Coldwater increases your metabolism so you get cell metabolism.
  • As a result of the fat-burning process, water is needed to reduce fat, so the full temperature is maintained.
  • Drink no unwanted calories as water has no calories.

Hair Loss Rule: # 7: Prepare and prepare your meal.

Completely killing those with teeth is one task. However, work is not the culprit. Lunchtime. If the dieter does not say his / her food, lunch will come and the person will go to the nearest fast food intercourse and eventually be tempted to go ten to ten times more.

So the best way to stay on the diet (and to avoid overeating) is to make it relatively easy to access the food when a meal arrives. Another advantage to this is that since the food is pre-packaged, you do not add extra food to the dish.

Fat Loss Rule # 8: Go to bed early.

There are two reasons for this:

  • Insomnia causes your hormone cortisol, a fat-storage hormone, and muscle inflammation (in other words, the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish), and your testosterone levels drop (should be high) to speed up your fat-burning/muscle winning process ) Keep. Although the need for sleep varies, seven to nine hours of sleep is generally good.

  • The likelihood that you will be drawn to the cravings of the waking night increases exponentially every morning that you are awake.

Recommendation for fat loss

It covers 8 rules for losing fat and recommends the following:

  • Train weight training as the main exercise model in your training course: If you are just starting out, follow a full bodyweight training program that is done three times a week. Like Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (if you are just starting out, please see my article for bodybuilders ).

You may want to experiment for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach to increase fat loss. Mainly, training to keep the gas out of excess water with excess water is key. Give it a four-week trial. If you do not feel well (or it is not practical based on your schedule), train at any time of the day.

If you can do weight training in the morning, walk the stairs 40 minutes and 10 minutes later to allow your system to secrete lactic acid.

  • Use cardio on the days when you are carrying weight for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach. Again, the main thing is to be well hydrated. Also, limit it to no more than 40 minutes. If you've made cardino now, throw the curveball over your body to guess it and adapt accordingly (in this case, to keep the aerobic activity burning oil ).

  • Breathing time 2 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes and 2 minutes 40 minutes Laugh. After the last two weeks, repeat the six-week cycle.

  • [Note: Remember that you need to keep your heart rate within the burning range of the body in order to light up during aerobics activity. Fat is a formula that measures the amount of work the body needs to burn some fat. Many people ignore this and, therefore, there are no benefits to aerobic exercise. Your fat-burning range: [220 -your age] x 0.75 = Essential lumps per minute. So every 10 minutes, from your level until you reach your level, you will become a burning oil. The calculator has your heart rate here.].

  • Eat 5 to 6 meals a day. 40-45%, 40-35% ratio and do not use more than 20% with each meal. (For more nutrition information please see my nutrition page.)

  • Get about 8 hours of sleep each night. Go to bed every 7 hours. As we have already mentioned, sleep does not come. Your hormone is a cortisol-enhancing hormone (in other words what you are trying to accomplish) and lowers your testosterone levels (you need to have high levels to keep your fat-burning/muscle gaining process going at full speed).

  • Use good bodybuilding utilities: Use a good abundance of vitamins and minerals with a protein supplement. Avoid nutritional deficiencies for rich vitamins and minerals. The brand I use is Eclipse 2000 Complex 24. Also, you get a good vitamin C supplement (I take 3 grams per day in 1 gram split doses). Vitamin C is a great cortisol suppressor and it helps your immune system. Lastly, even if you do not eat real food all day, use all your foods as a good dietary protein supplement. If you have become a protein bar, try the Labrada Bar. They are great! If you are into protein drinks, try Ready-To-Drink Protein Shakes or Labrada's Pro V60.
  • Drink plenty of water: You seem to drink a lot (bodyweight 0,66 = make sure you drink every day).
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. Low weight testosterone levels (among other issues). Especially good for alcohol.

I will completely remove the confusion associated with these muscles. I tell you, a fish star will tell you that all the fat in it will disappear, I can tell you that I have actually found it, only the simplest work available, smart hygiene, and your determination to do it.

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